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Gas Line Repair Services in Chantilly

3 Reasons to Install New Gas Piping


The most worrisome fact that several people have no idea of is that approximately 70% of energy is lost in transit and production, making electric devices only around 30% effective. You may be surprised to learn that the delivery and separation of gas only results in about a 10 percent loss, making your gas-powered appliances about 90% effective!

Several homeowners are considering switching to gas-powered appliances due to the efficiency gap between electric and gas-powered equipment. It is just one of the advantages of using natural gas to run your equipment.

Here are the three advantages of a gas pipe if you need further convincing. Although the original price of installing and acquiring gas devices is high, the ongoing maintenance costs are typically cheaper.


Efficient Gas Heating Systems

When it comes to cooking, operating gas equipment, and warming the home, natural gas is the most efficient option. It produces direct heat that can be used inside and out. It generates more warmth than other types of energy.

When baking on a gas burner, you can adjust the temperature more effectively. It does not retain latent heat like an electromagnetic coil can after the flame is turned off. It produces a consistent flame.

Natural gas-powered gear and appliances use less power than electric-powered equipment. Heaters, furnaces, dyers, or laundry machines are among them. 

Ensuring the Security

Skilled Gas Piping Specialist

Regardless of what happens, safety will always come first. Whenever you have an issue with gas pipelines in your home, you must always think about hiring gas line repair services Chantilly experts for your family’s safety. These experts have gone through extensive training to ensure that they know how to fix gas lines in houses.

You need to hire the assistance of licensed people for this. Mistakes might happen when installing the gas lines yourself because there is always the chance of a fuel leak if the job isn’t done correctly. Leakages in the home caused by illegally connected gas lines are an adverse health hazard. Inadequately placed gas lines in houses can result in gas-based disasters, which you may have read about on the news several times and asked what happened.

Additionally, residents may be exposed to poisoning because of leaky gas pipes. When it leaks, it may emit an unpleasant odor that may alert you if anything is wrong. While it is simple to detect leakages in the house, it is exceedingly dangerous to overlook gas leaks if they first appear. The greatest thing you may do is employ specialists for gas line repairs to ensure the safety of your family.

Safeguards Your Assets

For decades, gas devices have been a vital feature of your home. Most kitchens are completely gas-powered; heaters and cooking equipment all rely on a steady gas supply. All these appliances are manufactured using gas and are quite economical. If you have a damaged fuel line, you should consider hiring an expert for gas line repairs. Do not even consider attempting to solve the situation on your own to preserve a few dollars.

Factors to Consider While Installing New Gas Piping

When installing new gas piping, there are a few things to keep in mind. Gas lines go beneath and throughout your home, therefore homeowners must exercise utmost caution when changing or updating their heating systems.


Hire Licensed Experts

Gas Lining Repair Plumber

Managing gas appliances or networks is extremely risky, and people must not attempt it on their own. To do the operation properly and according to law, you must contact a licensed and skilled specialist. A licensed expert has the necessary tools and skills for the work. You must make sure that they have the proper documents.


Examine the Pipes

As time passes, gas pipes become more vulnerable to rust and other issues. Whenever a licensed professional arrives on the scene, they will inspect the pipes, but owners can inspect the gas pipes as well. Inspect the pipes with a flashlight for noticeable problems and report the situation to the licensed technician when he comes. If you reside in an old house, make sure to inspect the pipes for external damage at least once a year.


An Old Gas Supply Can Be Retrofitted

When it comes to attaching gas to a new device, using a current gas connection can save you a lot of money. However, the ability to install another device is dependent on the placement of the pipe and the volume. If the connection was not designed to carry another device, the authorized technician will have to track down the source of the fuel in the home and install new pipes from there. Expanding a gas line a few feet without ensuring it is connected can be useless and hazardous.

Remember, if you need to repair or replace your gas line, always contact a licensed and experienced plumbing company in your area.

The 7 Most Common Water Heater Problems 1

The 7 Most Common Water Heater Problems

One of the most invaluable appliances in your property happens to be the water heater. It is true that it is not in front of your mind each day, nor is it always visible. However, you depend on hot water that the water heater provides you just about every single day. So, it is evident that even a small problem with your water heater can cause a big disruption. The water heater not working properly can bring your life at your property to a frustrating and screeching halt. Thus, it is important that you are familiar with a qualified water heater repair Chantilly Company.

As a water heater not working effectively can cause big problems, it will be best that you understand a few of the most common and prominent reasons why your water heater has stopped working. If you are familiar with the problems, then you will be able to accurately diagnose the issue which will help you to take the appropriate actions by yourself only. For your better understanding, here are 7 most common water heater issues that you may face if you own a property that has a water heater. You will be able to know what caused the issue and what is the right way to deal with this problem at hand.


H2: Different Types of Water Heater

You must understand that not all water heaters are the same. For this reason, not all water heaters will be repaired the same way. However, they all tend to deal with mostly the same problems. Out of the different models available, the electric water heater is the most common and popular one. You can find some common problems and ways to fix the electric water heater here.

Tank Water Heater

It is highly recommended that you turn off a tank water heater before you go ahead with the troubleshooting process. If you have an electric model, then you must first switch off the heater at the service panel. After that, you need to use a con-contact voltage tester to make sure that there is no form of electrical current. On the other hand, if you have a gas model then all you have to do is turn the thermostat to the “off” position.


1. Water Leaks

The 7 Most Common Water Heater Problems 2

The most common type of water heater problem that you will face will be water leaks. Eventually any water heater will start to leak; it is likely that the water will corrode your tank. It can even create microscopic fractures or cracks.

If you see the leak happening or coming from the top of the tank, then it may mean that your water connections are loose. On the other hand, if the leak occurred at the bottom, then you might be facing issues with condensation. This can be solved by turning up the thermostat. You can face problems like water spilling out from your pressure relief valve or overflow pipe as well. But this could be a sign of tank corrosion also. If that is the case, then you need to replace the water heater as soon as possible.

The other most common causes of water leaks are:

  • Issues with ball valve. In such a case, you need to tighten the nut that is screwed in the handle.
  • Stripped threaded nipple or loose connection can also be the causes. If the top of the heater is the original place of the water leak, then most likely you are dealing with stripped threaded nipple or loose connection.
  • Most water heater repair companies will tell you that drain valves can be an issue as well. You need to make sure that the valve is shut properly. Do replace it when necessary.


2. No Hot Water

There are some reasons why a water heater is not providing insufficient or no hot water:

  • Circuit breakers can be a problem.
  • Dip tubes can be an issue as well. Replace it after draining the tank.

For gas water heater, you need to look out for:

  • Thermocouple.
  • Pilot light.


3. Water Too Hot

The 7 Most Common Water Heater Problems 3

Some homeowners do not know that they are required to adjust the thermostats of the water heater in warmer months. This will make sure that the water will not become too hot during this time. If the thermostat is broken, then you need to use a multimeter in order to test them for continuity.

4. Water Heater running Slowly

If you notice that your electric water heater happens to be running slower than normal, then you may have a problem with the heating elements. With the help of a testing probe, you can check it out. You may have problems with thermostats as well. You need to check the multimeter if you are facing this.

5. Rusty or Dirty water

Another common water heater problem that plumbing repair companies face is smelly rusty or dirty water. It is a sign that the other rod that is present in the heater requires changing. You need to flush your tank after you have done the changing procedure.

Tankless Water Heater

Comparatively tankless water heaters do not face as many issues as tank water heaters. Next, there are some more mentioned water heater problems that are common. You need to understand that these problems can occur in tank water heaters as well.

6. Noise Production

If your water heater is making noise, then that means there is something wrong with the appliance. You need to check the pressure valve and look for leaks. Make sure that you clean the water heater often. Many times, the water heater tends to make noise if it is not cleaned. 

7. Blockage in the Exhaust or Air Supply

The 7 Most Common Water Heater Problems 4

A problem suffered by gas tankless water heaters the most happens to be related to exhaust and air supply. You need to remove any kind of obvious blockages. You need to ensure that the heater can meet clearance requirements.

There you have it; these were 7 most common water heater issues that different types of property holders may face. Beside these mentioned one, there are far more problems that a water heater might deal with. To be familiar with them, do give this one a read. You can now see for yourself that this task of finding the root cause of the problem can get difficult. Thus, it is highly recommendable that you take help from a qualified water heater repair company. There are plenty of professionals that can provide you the necessary help in and around Chantilly. So, get in touch with us today!

Sump Pump Repair Chantilly

5 Signs That Your Sump Pump Needs to Be Replaced

As an established homeowner, you already know the essence of having a working sump pump in your home. It is practically your last line of defense from a flooded basement and expensive home repairs as a result of water damage. It is essential that you get your sump pump checked from time to time. You do not want to be caught pants down with a faulty one in the middle of a storm or hurricane.

Sadly, most homeowners find themselves in such predicaments. Since sump pumps only work when required and may not run weeks at a time, it is hard to notice when they get worn out or even damaged. And that’s where repair services come in. Companies that offer sump pump repair, Chantilly area estimate that such gadgets have a lifespan of 7-10 years. However, such numbers are not cast in stone.

You need to understand that your pump’s life expectancy depends on the amount of water it displaces, its frequency of use, and runtime. For the new homeowners, you may not know how old your sump pump is. At best, have a licensed professional or plumber check it out during late winter or early fall. Remember, your sump pump will be overly busy during spring.

Before we look into some common reasons that render your sump pump replaceable, let us delve into some statistics. Below are the top 5 cities most prone to basement flooding across the US according to Google trends;

  • Baltimore
  • Dayton
  • Buffalo
  • St. Louise, and,
  • Providence.

Even if you do maintain a regular maintenance schedule, you are bound to sleep with a bit of stress if you live in the designated areas. This may be due to the soil condition, weather or climate, and the rainfall amount. Consequently, your sump pump ends up straining, leading to breakdown. Below are some of the few pointers that it is time for an overhaul or pump replacement.


Your Pump Runs for a Long Time

It simply indicates that your unit does not have the required horsepower to manage the distance to be pumped or the volume of water it is required to handle. Numerous factors go into calculating the size of the pump needed such as pathways, pipe diameters, and the reservoir dimension.

Further, the number of elbow joints means that your pump will require more power to push water through the bends. If the pump is required to push water vertically or uphill, your pump will require more force to push upwards resulting in a longer runtime.

Moreover, prolonged running could point to a faulty float arm and switch mechanism. This could be due to shifting of the pump leading to unresponsiveness of the float, or simply, an underlying issue with its power source. The switch could further be stuck on the on and off position.

Overall, a continuously running sump pump will not handle the water load during floods or heavy rains. You will likely have to replace it.


Frequent Cycling on and off

Sump Pump Installation

The frequency in your sump pump cycling on and off may be due to your basement’s small basin. Consequently, the basin finds it hard to manage the amount of water in your basement thereby overstretching your pump’s capability. Therefore, the possibility of your pump burning out is quite high due to overworking.

A large sump pump basin (20-30 gallons) would do the trick compared to a typical 5 gallon one. This will mean modifying your existing basin to handle your basement’s requirements. According to NDSU, your sump hole should have a top that’s at least two feet in diameter. This is geared towards creating space for associated piping and storing ample water between the pump’s on/off cycle. Otherwise, maintaining a smaller basin only leads to an increased probability of installing a new unit.


Motor Failure

As with any motorized machine, the failure of a motor spells doom when it comes to operability. A simple way to assess this is by plugging it into a power source. Typically, the presence of power in the machine but not working points to an underlying internal condition.

Sump pumps have hoses or pipes that expel water from the pit. However, during cold seasons, the pipe freezes making it difficult to get rid of excess water. This causes the motor to increase or work at higher output levels bringing about burnout.

Furthermore, the pump’s motor may suck in quite a lot of sediment prematurely wearing it down. You could install a filter to avoid sucking in debris, though they would need frequent cleaning and occasional replacement. The motor is the pump’s lifeline hence, a defective one automatically leads to replacement.


Your Pump Makes Weird Noises

Sump pumps are not created to make lots of noise. Anything beyond a low humming noise while running should be carefully inspected. A few probable causes for such a scenario would be a jammed impeller or a failed bearing. As with any machine, loud noises are an indication of a worn-out or damaged part. Engage your plumber to ascertain whether a replacement or quick fix is in order.

Remember, as earlier quipped and according to TRIAD, if your sump pump is more than 7-10 years old, no amount of repairs can warrant its effectiveness, thus, you will be better off replacing the unit with a new one.


Frequent Power Outages

Sump Pump Repair

Not only is your sump pump part of your plumbing system, but it is also part of your electrical system. Your pump’s electrical system is compromised every time there is a power outage. Blackouts sometimes cause power surges that may destroy the internal workings or electrical components.

To avoid such a scenario, you will need to invest in a generator or a set of rechargeable batteries. Further, you could consider getting a battery-powered sump pump to work with in case your primary pump fails or breaks down.


As we cap it off…

Walking down to a basement full of water is no fun. Despite it being life-threatening, a water-logged basement considerably reduces the value of your house due to wear and tear, not to mention the huge dent in your pocket in terms of repairs. A sump pump stands as your last line of defense. Therefore, you will need to exercise keenness as to your unit’s functionality. In case your unit experiences the above challenges, do not hesitate to engage plumbing professionals. You will be glad you did so.

Water Pipe Repair Services in Chantilly

How to Detect a Possible Plumbing Leak

Water is essential in our homes as long as it is securely confined in a pipe, sink, tub or appropriate equipment. Water on the other hand, may quickly become an adversary if it gets into places, it can possibly harm one’s home structure or furnishings. Unfortunately, plumbing leaks are very frequent these days, especially in modern homes and every home is likely to have at least one.

Furthermore, not all leaks are visible; in fact, they can be rather subtle, making it critical to detect and patch a leak as soon as possible. Every homeowner should know how to locate a water leak and be critical in searching for your own water pipe repair service! Whether you rent or own a house, at some point, you’ve probably found yourself lying awake at night wondering where that drip of water was coming. 

Below are the signs and symptoms of a possible plumbing leak.


Read Your Water Meter – If Your House Has One!

You might be curious about how much water you consume in a day. Recognizing that your house has a leak is the first step in leak repair. Reading your meter at the start of the day and end of the day allows you to compare the two totals to determine how much water you and your family has consumed.

This is also the first step in detecting if there is potential leak in your water pipes! Inspect the system for any leaks by switching all your faucets and check at your meter. If it is still spinning, then chances are likely that there is a leak somewhere in your home. As a property owner, you are responsible for maintaining all water pipes and connections from the water meter to private property.

Should you need some experts in plumbing leak problems, get your professional plumber immediately.

RELATED How to Read Your Water Meter


Keep an Eye Out for Leaking Clues

 Discolored wall due to water leak

If the supply line under your sink breaks and a shower of water shoots out, you’ll know exactly where the problem is, but other leaks are far more subtle! In a worst-case scenario, water may trickle slowly from pipe connections within a wall, going undiscovered until it causes severe damage. Even though the water meter tests shows that you do not have a leak right now, one might occur at any time in the future, so keep a watch a watch out for:

  • A Musty Odor.  A continual leak creates the ideal damp environment for mold to develop over time. You may detect black splotches on the exterior of the wall in certain situations, but mold typically grows within the wall where you cannot see it, so a musty odor is a warning sign.
  • There is a Leaking Sound. Though some leaks are completely silent. For example, if water is running down a wall stud, other leaks may occasionally be heard, providing you an indication as to where the leak is coming from.
  • Discoloration of Walls. This might result from water escaping under the drywall and soaking through to the front. The color of water stains on ceilings and the walls is generally yellowish or brownish.
  • Paint that is dripping or wallpaper that is bulging. Both indicate that the wallboard is damp and that the paint or wallpaper is no longer sticking properly. A bulging in the wallpaper, in certain situations, indicates that the water damage is more significant and that the wallboard will need to be replaced.

All the mentioned symptoms indicate a leak, however bear in mind that not all are plumbing leaks. The water might possibly be coming from a leak around a window. In any case, leaks should be repaired as soon as possible to limit the danger of water damage. Immediately contact a water pipe repair services Chantilly company.


Examine the External Use

Leaks do not just occur within the property; they can also occur outside. Attach a garden hose to your outdoor spigots; if water leaks through the connection, change the hose gasket and make sure all connections are secure. Consider hiring an expert to inspect your irrigation system once a year, if you have one. Even a minor leak in a system might waste 6,300 gallons of water each month.


Your Water Bill has Increased

Running water from the toilet

When you see an increase in your water bill, you generally have a reason. If there isn’t a cause for the jump, look around your house for the warning signals mentioned above. Attempt to find a leak as quickly as possible. If you suspect a concealed leak in your house, contact your home plumber. Running water from your toilet is the most typical reason for a high-water bill. Some leaks, such as leaky faucets or a running toilet, are easier to locate.


Cracks in the Wall

When a single leak drips in the same location repeatedly, it creates a tiny shift in the earth beneath your property. You may not notice the change, but your entire home’s structure will. Over time, a small leak might develop a large fracture in your walls. The structure of your home will suffer as the leak continues and the fracture widens.

Also, keep an eye out for a diagonal or vertical fracture in the wall. If you see this symptom of plumbing leak, contact a plumber right away. Otherwise, you may end up putting yourself and your family members at risk.

RELATED Cracks in Walls- Wall Cracks Causes and Cost


Fittings That Aren’t Tight

Bathroom Floor Leak Plumbing

Inside your walls are the pipes that are generally the initial point of contact for a plumbing leak. They are, however, not the only sort of leak you may encounter. In rare situations, the seals that hold your tub or toilet to the floor might become loose over time. Water and moisture can dribble from these fittings.

When water hits the floor, it can cause sinking or sagging. Examine the bathroom flooring for indications of a leak.


Water leak that is detected early might save your resources and prevent tragedy within your homes. Small, gradual leaks in the pipes that run through your walls, ceilings, floors, and foundation are typically the source of hidden leaks. Without you noticing, these leaks may harm your equipment and appliances in your home.

It is not a good thing if there is an issue in the plumbing lines that is preventing water from flowing through the pipes. When a leak is not identified and repaired, it might cause several additional problems.

Garbage Installation Services in Chantilly

Is It Time for a New Garbage Disposal?

Is your garbage disposal letting you know it’s replacement time? If your disposal is on the fritz, there are some telltale signs that it’s damaged beyond the point of return. Trying to ignore the problem can lead to everything from foul odors to flooding. Take a look at the clues that your garbage disposal is on its way out.


Loud Grinding Noises

Odd sounds may be tipping you off to the fact that something is amiss with your garbage disposal. It can sometimes sound like silverware is stuck inside your disposal even when all is clear. In this case, you may have misaligned components that are grinding together.

Get this looked at as quickly as possible because you may be able to avoid a replacement with a proper realignment. However, ignoring strange noises coming from your garbage disposal will only make the problem worse.


Nothing Happens When You Flick the Switch

If your garbage disposal is no longer activating when you flick the switch, this is a sign that the unit is essentially dead. The disposal could also be on its way out if it’s shutting off while you’re using it. Both issues are typically caused by a blown motor.


A Foul Odor

Woman smelling something bad in the kitchen

A lingering foul odor can be one of the first signs that something is wrong with your garbage disposal. The reason why there’s a smell coming from your sink could be that food and moisture are pooling together in your drain. It’s possible that stringy, oily foods or greasy build-ups are tangled inside your garbage disposal.

While you may be able to get rid of the buildup using hot water and soap, you may need a replacement if the odor still lingers after thoroughly cleaning your sink.


Underpowered Performance

While your garbage disposal may technically be working, you may be noticing that it’s slower than usual. Your disposal could be struggling to break down food debris that it used to breeze through with ease. This is usually a sign that your blades have deteriorated.


Your Sink Is Slow to Drain

Clogged Garbage Disposal

Have you noticed that your sink is taking longer to drain than usual? This could be a sign that there’s a clog in your garbage disposal. While plunging is the first step in troubleshooting, a clog that is serious enough to cause continuous drainage issues may require a replacement.


There’s a Leak

This is a big red flag that can lead to big trouble if it’s not addressed immediately. While a leak may start off small, it can quickly become a very noticeable problem that takes over your entire kitchen. Here are some telltale signs of a leaking garbage disposal:

  • Puddles near the sink.
  • Larger pools of water along your bottom cabinets.
  • Water drips from under your sink.

If you’re seeing signs of water pooling near your sink, there’s a good chance that the problem is serious enough to require a disposal replacement already. It’s important to bring in a plumber if you notice leaking because the source of a leak is not always obvious.

You can potentially avoid a very messy, expensive problem if you get the leak assessed before you’re at the stage where you’re “capturing” or “wiping up” water.


Getting Your Garbage Disposal Replaced Doesn’t Have to Be a Hassle

Garbage Disposal Plumbing

While garbage disposals can sometimes be repaired, getting a new disposal is often the easiest choice. Of course, you may be looking for garbage disposal installation services in Chantilly because you’ve decided that a disposal is a must-have item when building your new kitchen.

Be sure to use a qualified, experienced plumber whenever you’re putting in a new garbage disposal. Give us a call today if you need help putting in a new garbage disposal!

4 Reasons to Replace Your Old Kitchen Faucet 5

4 Reasons to Replace Your Old Kitchen Faucet

Is your old faucet in need of replacement? Whether it looks clean and shiny is not the issue, because plenty of faucets look great but don’t do the job they’re supposed to do. Even modern fixtures are prone to leakage, breakage, and generally poor performance if they aren’t replaced regularly.


DIY or Replacement?

Do-It-Yourself versus Faucet Replacement

You can always try to fix a leaky faucet yourself, but if the fixture is too old or in an awful state of disrepair, it’s better to seek out professional faucet installation in Chantilly or whatever community you reside in.

It’s important to understand “faucet basics” and keep track of how old your home’s faucet system is in order to maintain a fresh supply of safe, good-tasting water. Another piece of information that helps homeowners assess their situation is getting acquainted with the common reasons to get a new faucet.

After that, you’ll be in a much better position to know whether the time is right to make repairs or buy a full-fledged replacement. Here’s more about the basics and the reasons to purchase a new faucet.


Faucet Basics

Like every other essential home appliance, kitchen faucets age, wear out, break, and sometimes just stop functioning for unknown reasons. That’s why it’s imperative to keep an eye on your faucet’s state of health. But, how can you tell when the device is beginning to experience a decline in function?

The simple answer: look for one of the four common signs of “early faucet malfunction” listed below. For whatever reason, homeowners often don’t value the role of their kitchen faucets as highly as they should. In fact, old water systems in your home can cause all sorts of problems besides just inconvenient leaks and noises.

It’s essential for homeowners to make sure that the water coming into their home is as clean as possible, and that means upgrading or updating plumbing systems. Fortunately, replacing an old kitchen faucet is often the only fix that’s needed.


Reasons to Get a New Faucet

Old Kitchen Faucet

Here’s more about each of the four most common reasons people buy brand-new kitchen faucets:

  • Leaks: If your DIY fixes don’t hold, and you still hear odd noises, see mold, or have higher water bills than normal, it’s almost certainly time for a new faucet.
  • Rust: Rust inside the unit can cause water to look yellow or brown and is a sign of advanced faucet decay. If you see any evidence of rust in your kitchen tap water, run, don’t walk, to the phone and contact a pro who can replace the unit asap.
  • Age: Even the best faucets only last between 10 and 15 years, so even if the unit is working okay, consider replacing it when it reaches its tenth birthday.
  • Mineral Deposits: Replace your faucet if you see any signs of mineral buildup at the spigot or near the base of the unit. This residue is a sign that the unit is not functioning properly.


Get a New Faucet Sooner Rather Than Later

Faulty Faucets

Fortunately, faucets are not high-priced appliances, so replacing them when necessary is not a tough decision. If your kitchen faucet is showing any of the tell-tale symptoms noted above, contact a plumbing pro to help you select the right replacement and get it installed asap.

There’s no better way to guarantee your family’s health and safety. Plus, the fix is an inexpensive job that can be done in just a few minutes. Don’t let a faulty faucet wreak havoc with your lifestyle.

Drain Cleaning Services in Chantilly

How to Avoid Clogged Drains

Having a clogged drain is a pain and can lead to wastewater coming into your home and lead to you not being able to use your sinks, showers, or toilet. Thankfully, there are many ways that you can avoid having a clogged drain.


Ways to Prevent Having Clogged Drains

Here are several different things that you can do to avoid a clogged drain.


Lint catcher

Installing a lint catcher on your washing machine hose can help you to avoid getting a clogged washing machine drain. When you wash clothes, pieces of fabric, lint, and other debris can quickly clog the drain. This lint trap is put on the end of the drain hose and will keep this debris from entering the drain line.


Use bacteria

Clogged Drain

Use bacteria drain cleaners to get rid of organic matter that may clog your drains. If you notice the drain getting slow, you will immediately want to reach for this drain cleaning bacteria.


Never dump grease

You should never dump grease down your drain line. Once the grease cools down, it will harden and form a clog. This can lead to a very expensive repair bill.


Catch hair before it goes down the drain

Hair and soap can cause a nasty clog that can be hard to get out. Use a mesh screen or hair catcher in each of your drains to ensure that hair does not cause any clogging issues.


Never put food down the drain

How to Avoid Clogged Drains 6

Never allow any food to go down your drains. Food that goes down the drain can clog the pipes. Consider starting a compost pile for all your food scraps.


Toilet paper

When you flush your toilet, the only thing that you should be flushing down is toilet paper and waste. Never put sanitary napkins or anything else down the drain. You will also want to check your toilet paper to ensure that it is septic tank safe. If not, you may want to consider using a trash can for your toilet paper. After a while, the toilet paper can create a tremendous clog.


Replacing drains when necessary

If you live in an older house and you know the drains were made with cast iron piping, you should consider replacing them. Cast iron piping will break down over time, and when this happens, it can create clogs and backups.


Do not use chemical drain cleaners

When you see your drain getting slow, you may want to use a chemical drain cleaner. While chemical drain cleaners can remove a clog, the reaction that happens can also damage your pipes.


Plumbing maintenance

How to Avoid Clogged Drains 7

Getting routine plumbing maintenance like getting your septic system cleaned can help you to ensure that there is nothing wrong with your drain pipes. A plumber can come out and inspect all your plumbing to ensure everything is in good shape. They can also offer drain cleaning services in Chantilly that will help to clean out your pipes.


Hiring A Good Plumber

In addition to doing all the tips above, you will want to have a good plumber on standby. You can do all the things above and can still get a clog. While minor clogs you can get out yourself, there are some bigger clogs that will require a professional. If you try to remove a clog yourself, you may end up damaging the pipes or even making the clog worse.

Doing all that you can to prevent your pipes from being clogged is imperative. If you do notice that your drains are getting slow or notice that they are clogged, call out a professional plumber so that they can help you to remove the clog and restore the functionality of your drain system.

Why Do I Need a Professional for Plumbing Work 8

Why Do I Need a Professional for Plumbing Work

Getting a plumbing service is something that no one ever expects to need at some point. Even though plumbing is an essential component of our homes and workplaces, we rarely pay attention to it unless it becomes necessary. The problem is that when something unexpected happens, we don’t have a plan in place for what to do in an emergency.

Unfortunately, we are then faced with a costly problem that must be resolved, and we are unsure where we will obtain the funds to pay for it. In the end, we all underestimate the importance of local plumbing services until we desperately need their assistance.To save money, many people will turn to unregistered or unqualified plumbers in an emergency if they have a plumbing problem. Even though using such services can frequently expose one to additional problems, some people cannot resist the allure of saving money. Moreover, if you’re dissatisfied with the work performed by an unregistered plumber, you’ll be at a loss for what to do to correct the situation.

Why Do I Need a Professional for Plumbing Work 9

This is where many people get burned, and they end up having to pay for additional local plumbing services in Chantilly from a real, licensed, and bonded plumber in their area. Any money that may have been saved in the first place has now been thrown out the window along with the rest of the capital.

Even though you can’t always predict when a plumbing emergency will occur, you mustn’t simply hire the cheapest plumbing service that you come across. The process of finding a suitably qualified professional to fix your plumbing problems may be stressful and time-consuming, but it is necessary. So, how do you go about finding a licensed plumber in Chantilly? Of course, the most straightforward method is to make use of the technology you already have at your disposal and conduct a quick search on the internet.

If you want someone who you know will complete the job to your complete satisfaction, another option is to ask family and friends for recommendations on the best plumbing service that Chantilly has to offer. They’ll be able to provide you with recommendations based on their previous experiences.

When looking for a new plumber, you should have a list of questions prepared to ask them before hiring them. Using this information, you can decide which plumber you want to hire. First and foremost, you should inquire whether the plumber will charge you for the time it takes to come to your home and assess the situation.

Once you’ve completed this step, you must meet with him or her to determine their legitimacy. Inquire as to whether the plumber can provide you with all their relevant documentation, as well as references from previous jobs. By taking your time to complete these tasks, you can rest assured that you will receive the best service that a plumber has to provide.


Methods for Obtaining the Best Local Plumbing Services

Why Do I Need a Professional for Plumbing Work 10

It only takes one bad experience with a plumbing contractor to convince you that you should avoid them at all costs. Unfortunately, the high demand for plumbing repairs can quickly make you forget about the disaster that the previous company left you in when the work is completed. It doesn’t matter if it’s an obstructed drainpipe, a broken pipeline, or a broken boiler; finding an inexperienced local plumber can make a terrible situation much worse.

A clogged drain is one of the most common plumbing problems that homeowners encounter. The mess may be complicated to wash, but that is not the most challenging problem. If this backup is important, you may experience significant water damage. A large number of people attempt to resolve their plumbing issues on their own.

Unluckily, this may exacerbate the situation and result in a higher repair bill overall. The most effective option is to hire a highly skilled and qualified plumber to complete the job correctly.

Unexpected emergencies are not the only instances in which you may require the services of a professional plumber in your area. A qualified professional’s expertise is also needed when installing a new washroom or kitchen component, replacing old pipes, or installing a new boiler and central furnace.

It is also recommended that combi-boilers and major heating systems undergo routine maintenance inspections on a regular basis. Besides lowering the likelihood of many issues occurring in colder weather, this may also help improve your system’s overall performance by reducing the possibility that they will appear. 

Most plumbers recommend scheduling this type of service call during the summer months, well in advance of when you will need to turn on your boiler.

Why Do I Need a Professional for Plumbing Work 11

You’ll want to make sure that the local plumbers are licensed in their field of expertise – whether it’s general plumbing or gas equipment installation. Taking the time to double-check that the provider is listed on the certification or licensing directory for your country or state is well worth your time! Choosing someone from one of the online classified websites may seem like a good idea, but keep in mind that this person will be living in your home. All employees working in your home should have a good reputation and be well-trained and professional.

Don’t put it off for too long before getting it fixed when you have a plumbing problem. A drain may be slow for a couple of weeks. You might want to put off the purchase because you don’t want to incur the expense. When a drainpipe backs up into your house, it could end up costing you hundreds of dollars more to have it repaired. There is a plethora of excellent local plumbers to choose from. The key is to figure out who you can rely on and who you cannot.

Bath Remodeling Chantilly

How to Make Your Bathroom Feel Luxurious

A home’s bathroom should be a luxury zone. While a bathroom may seem strictly utilitarian on its face, the reality is that bathrooms are where homeowners go to relax, unwind and shake off the day. Bathrooms also set the tone for the day by providing a setting for getting showered and prepped! It’s no wonder why more and more people are seeking to add touches of luxury to their bathrooms.

Bathrooms don’t just make life more satisfying. According to Zillow, a bathroom remodel yields the biggest return in terms of boosting your home’s resale value! Yes, renovating what is often the smallest room in a home actually delivers the biggest value boost! It works out to a value increase of $1.71 for every dollar spent on a bathroom update. It’s hard to deny that a bathroom renovation is a win-win decision. However, knowing how to choose updates that really bring the luxury is a whole different game. When planning a bathroom remodel, it’s so important to marry function with style in a way that makes everything flow. Take a look at 11 ways to add luxury to a bathroom!


1. Add a Tiled Shower

Tired of staring at a dull fiberglass or acrylic shower? It’s hard not to get excited by those “dream showers” full of large tiles peppered with rich mosaics. Here’s a look at the best tiles to add to shower walls:

  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain
  • Glass
  • Marble
  • Natural Stone

There are two ways to approach this update. The first is to tile an existing walk-in shower that has all of the right “bones” even though it’s bland. The second is to install a new walk-in shower with beautiful touches like a glass door and waterfall shower head!


2. Install a Double Vanity

According to experts, a home’s en-suite bathroom is almost as important to buyers as the home’s kitchen. When reimagining an en-suite bathroom, the trick for instant luxury is to swap a one-sink vanity for a two-sink vanity! This update ensures that there’s never any fighting over the sink! Deep sinks cut into marble or granite counters drastically boost a bathroom’s luxury rating!


3. Add Recessed Lighting

Bathroom Lighting Services

While most people rely on fixtures for bathroom lighting, a luxury-creating option like recessed lighting is tragically overlooked. The perk of adding recessed lighting in a bathroom is that it ensures light reaches every corner. That’s a plus when grooming! In addition, the way overhead light bounces off a bathroom’s beautiful tiles makes the space seem huge!


4. Hang an Oversized Mirror

Once a new vanity has been added, the way to really give it some oomph is to hang an oversized mirror! A larger mirror accentuates the size of the vanity. It also makes the entire bathroom look bigger. As a bonus, guests love being able to check themselves out in a mirror after ducking into the bathroom!


5. Add a Towel Warmer

Luxury is in the little details! A heated towel rack ensures that a fluffy, inviting towel is always waiting on the other side of a hot shower. A high-end heated towel rack is a safe, reliable addition to a bathroom that’s integrated into a home’s main heating system. These towel warmers are also very energy efficient.


6. Install a Bidet

Bath Room Bidet Installation

Anyone who has ever visited a high-end hotel or luxury resort knows that bidets are signs of prestige. What many people don’t realize is that it’s fairly easy to have a bidet installed in any bathroom. In fact, a renovation that involves reimagining the layout of a bathroom presents the perfect opportunity to install a bidet because this project can be done when plumbing is being retrofitted for the new layout.


7. Get Futuristic With a Floating Vanity

Floating vanities are pretty much the only vanities that high-end builders are installing these days. Designed to be fixed to the wall without the use of supportive legs, floating vanities are incredibly sleek. While it may be tempting to think that the value of a floating vanity is purely aesthetic, the reality is that this design makes cleaning a bathroom incredibly easy because there’s no worry about grime and moisture being trapped under the vanity!


8. Install a Frameless Glass Shower

No, those frameless showers that are all over Instagram and Pinterest aren’t optical illusions! A frameless glass shower lacks the lip or edge of traditional walk-in showers. The step from bathroom floor to shower is completely seamless! However, an airtight door prevents moisture seepage! Ideal for anyone who has difficulty stepping into a traditional shower or tub, these showers often have built-in seating!


9. Add a Steam Shower

Steam Bathroom

The days of needing the budget to build a separate room for a personal sauna are over! Steam showers allow people to enjoy relaxing steam sessions using built-in steam generators accompanied by vapor barriers. The best part is that electrical heating elements work with a home’s existing water system to deliver steam!


10. Design a Mosaic Rug

Why just add new tile floors when a bathroom floor can be a work of art? People looking to create custom, high-end bathrooms are installing tile rugs. Tile rugs are simply mosaics done to look like square mats. They can be placed in the center of a bathroom, in front of a shower, in front of a toilet or in front of a vanity to add a very rich accent!


11. Add a Heated Floor

This might just be the most luxurious touch possible for a bathroom! While most people assume that bathrooms with heated floors have special heated tiles, the truth is that ordinary ceramic and stone tiles are used in conjunction with a heating system that’s placed under the floor. It’s actually a radiant heat source creating those warm, soothing tiles that feel like heaven against the pads of the feet on a chilly morning.


Creating a Bathroom Fit for Royalty

Everybody deserves a bathroom that pampers. If you’re looking for bath remodeling services Chantilly homeowners can use to create show-stopping bathrooms, these 11 luxury touches are just the beginning. Book your consultation to discuss how to add luxury and value to a bathroom!

Successful Fairfax Plumber

8 Secrets to Becoming a Successful Plumber in Fairfax

Fairfax, Virginia is the name of a pleasant city that is close to Washington, D.C. There are an abundance of homes and businesses available in the community. That is why it makes total sense that its residents and professionals require first-rate plumbing services. If you want to thrive as a plumber in Fairfax, there are quite a few things that you can do. These eight secrets can all help you get on the right plumbing track.

1. Get Suitable Training

A strong educational and training background is imperative for people who want to do well as plumbers. It is essential to take technical classes that can teach you all that you need to know about diverse topics such as:

  • water heating systems
  • pipe cutting
  • plumbing codes


You must do what you can to get licensing and all the essential qualifications, pronto.

2. Secure a Coveted Apprenticeship

It can help you significantly to land an apprenticeship that can give you the chance to watch a seasoned plumber in action. Apprenticeship durations are typically anywhere between two and five years in total. Reaching out to trade schools can often help aspiring plumbers pinpoint beneficial apprenticeship opportunities that may be accessible.


It can also help you to drop a nearby plumbing company a line. If you do so, its employees may be able to tell you about apprenticeship openings that exist at the moment.

3. Pass the Plumbing Test

Plumbing Job Examination

If you want to confirm that you can do well as a plumber, you must first pass the test. Doing so can open you up to finishing contract assignments in a legal way. If you want to be able to get your hands on plumbing jobs and not have to work alongside another professional, this test is the first step.

4. Round Up All of the Essential Supplies

Plumbers understandably must be equipped with all of the latest and most advanced equipment pieces and supplies. It is up to you to dazzle locals with your expertise. It is up to you to dazzle them with all the most contemporary tools as well. You should read up on all the biggest advancements in your field.


Doing so can help you impress and secure more loyal local customers for life. The last thing you want is for potential customers to think that you use plumbing tools and methods that are outdated and therefore nowhere near as effective and dependable.

5. Learn About the Area

Plumber Learning

You may or may not be a Fairfax aficionado. If you are decidedly not a part of that category, then you must change that right away. Getting well acquainted with the city, its residents and its businesses can help you do well in working there. It is critical for you to learn about the things that customers in the community want out of plumbing services. 


Learn about widely known sites, climate factors and the whole nine yards. The better you understand the city, the better you will be able to serve all of its friendly faces.

6. Spread the Word

It is essential to promote your plumbing specialties to people who are in Fairfax and in nearby areas. You can do so by setting up an official website and by putting together an effective and solid online presence through social media, too. Your primary aim should be to make it a piece of cake for potential customers to track you down any time they need five-star plumbing work.


7. Care About Customer Service

Prompt Plumbing Service

There is a plenitude of plumbing companies in and near Fairfax. The ones that do not care about customers naturally do not do well. If you want to stand out and thrive in plumbing, then you should go above and beyond to shine in the customer service department. Treat customers like gold by giving them superb results. Be prompt and detail oriented.

8. Concentrate on Online Reviews

Reputations matter in the plumbing industry. You should take the time to zero in on reviews of your services on the Internet. If you notice any inaccuracies, do what you can to change them as soon as possible.

These eight secrets can help you to thrive as a plumber in Fairfax. If you want some more information on these secrets, or if you are looking for plumbing services, contact us today!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,