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Plumbing Chantilly

5 Common Health Concerns If You Have Plumbing Issues

When it comes to problems with household or commercial plumbing Chantilly residents understand that it’s important to take action before small issues become huge ones. That’s the nature of common situations like cracked pipes, leaky drains, stopped-up toilets, and more. What begins as an almost insignificant annoyance can turn into a costly, downright dangerous emergency if it’s ignored.

What kinds of health problems can spring up from typical plumbing challenges? The following is a very short list:

Skin Infections From Plumbing Issues

  • Hepatitis
  • Chronic headaches
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Skin infections
  • Asthma complications
  • Respiratory illnesses
  • Bacterial infections

Just about any kind of plumbing situation can lead to health problems. Here’s a close-up look at five of the most frequent health concerns that directly result from plumbing problems:

Gastroenteritis From Plumbing Issues

  • One: Gastroenteritis

This severe infection of your intestines, as well as the stomach, can mean a trip to the hospital. Typical symptoms include uncontrollable vomiting and severe diarrhea. The culprit is often contaminated water in raw sewage.

  • Two: Severe Allergies
    If you have asthma, even a minor plumbing issue can wreak havoc with your health. That’s because people who have asthma are susceptible to pick up infections from dozens of contaminants in standing water, especially pools of water that contain sewage and bacteria-filled substances that come out of leaky pipes.
  • Three: Mold-Caused Respiratory Illnesses
    Mold, in all its forms, is a real enemy of good health. This single substance has the potential to cause a whole host of physical maladies, including fevers, red eyes, fatigue, skin rashes, sinus problems of many kinds, respiratory illnesses, throat irritation, sneezing, chronic coughing, breathing problems, and more. Often, mold builds up in moist areas of a home where leaky pipes have deposited water slowly over a long time.
  • Four: Hepatitis
    Hepatitis is a serious infection of the human liver that can lead to dozens of minor and major symptoms, including vomiting, joint pain, fever, and worse. One of the easiest ways to contract hepatitis is by being near dirty water, especially the kind that pools from a backed-up plumbing system.
  • Five: Severe Headaches
    If you’ve ever had a migraine headache, you know how debilitating the condition can be. While most plumbing issues won’t cause you to have a migraine, almost all forms of dirty water and mold can lead to excruciatingly painful headaches. Some headaches last for several days after exposure to mold, mildew, bacteria, viruses, raw sewage, and human waste.

Don’t Get Sick, Get Plumbing Problems Fixed ASAP.

If your home or office is the site of a plumbing problem, even a minor one, call a professional and get it taken care of immediately. Be wise and take a proactive approach. It’s the best way to forestall costly plumbing bills and what could become rather serious health problems as well.

Water Heater Repair Chantilly

5 Signs A Water Heater Needs Repair

Water heaters often give off warning clues when something is wrong. There are some obvious signs that a water heater is about to go that all homeowners need to know about! This is important because broken water heaters can create some very serious collateral damage impacting the rest of the house when they do go. Take a look at five signs a water heater needs repairs.

1. The Water Only Reaches Lukewarm Temperatures

If the water exiting a faucet is tepid even though the knob is cranked to maximum heat, there’s a potential malfunction somewhere in the system. With an electric system, this could mean a heating element has gone out. With gas, a burner may have gone wrong.

2. The Hot Water Doesn’t Last

5 Signs A Water Heater Needs Repair 1

While hot water may still be pouring through the pipes, the hot water runs out very quickly. Like the lukewarm issue, short-lived hot water could be a sign of a malfunctioning burner or element. Many other components could be responsible for producing ice-cold water in the “hot” setting.

3. Strange Noises Coming From the Water Heater

In most cases, some subtle noises coming from a water heater won’t indicate a problem. It’s not uncommon for older heating units to produce mild buzzing or humming sounds. Even rumbling sounds don’t necessarily mean something is wrong.

However, certain noises are telltale signs that something is about to go very wrong. Have a water heater checked out immediately if it’s making the following sounds:

  • Popping
  • Banging
  • Cracking

In most cases, these unsettling sounds are actually caused by sediment deposits that have accumulated on the bottom of the tank. The constant heating and reheating cycle that the unit goes through hardens that sediment over time. Yes, this can ultimately break a water heater.

However, it will cause tons of trouble under the radar long before that happens. Sediment buildup in a water heater reduces a unit’s efficiency. That means higher heating bills while getting a reduced performance.

4. Leaking

Leaky Water Heater

The hardest sign to ignore, leaking can also be the most serious red flag that something is wrong with a water heater. The danger with an untreated leak is that it can quickly do serious damage to a home. If there’s moisture or pooling water near a water heater, get the unit looked at by a professional right away.

Homeowners should regularly inspect for these types of leaks as part of routine home maintenance. It’s one of those small things that can save thousands and thousands of dollars by preventing damage and dangerous mold that will require costly time-consuming remediation.

In addition to contributing to long-term remediation costs, a leak is probably already pouring money down the drain. According to the American Water Works Association, homeowners lose $1 per month for every drop per second caused by faulty or improperly maintained water heaters.

That’s why recommends fixing leaks as one of its 15 ways to save on your water heating bill.

5. Rust-Tinged Water

Seeing rusty water coming from pipes can be a very disconcerting experience. Getting to the source often requires some investigation. In some cases, a home may have corroded pipes that are discoloring the water. It’s also very possible that the root of the rust is inside the water heater.

If this is the case, the heater may be on the verge of bursting.

Don’t Ignore Signs of Trouble With a Water Heater.

Any sudden change or fluctuation in performance can be a sign that a water heater is in distress. The good news is that addressing a problem before a water heater bursts or breaks down can prevent severe and costly damage. Homeowners who are proactive about having water heaters routinely inspected and repaired enjoy peace of mind with the added perk of saving money by running efficient units! Please make an appointment for water heater repair Chantilly residents count on to keep their systems in top condition today!

Sump Pump Installation Chantilly

Why You Need A Plumber To Install A Sump Pump

If you’re tired of dealing with a flooded basement, then you may be in the market for a sump pump. However, before you attempt to DIY on your own, you should first consider hiring a plumber. Here’s why you need a plumber to install a sump pump in your home.

You Don’t Know What Type of Sump Pump to Get.

Looking through the various sump pumps available on the market, you’ll quickly realize that there are three main types of pumps. They include:

  • Pedestal pump
  • Submersible pump
  • Battery Backup

Can you be sure that you know which one you need? If not, a plumber can tell you. The last thing you want to do is invest in a sump pump only to realize that the flooding is still happening. A plumber can help you decide on the pump that works best for your situation.

You Don’t Know What Size You Should Get.

When it comes to sump pumps, size does matter. If your neighborhood is prone to flooding, then you may need a larger sump pump than you realize. If your pump is too small, then it won’t be able to remove water quickly enough.

Plumbers can perform the necessary calculations for you. They understand how much water the pump can move at a given time and then help you choose the size that’s appropriate for your home. You won’t spend too little or too much on a pump that doesn’t solve your problem.

You Don’t Know Where to Put the Pump.

Sump Pump Installation Plumber

You can’t just perform sump pump installation Chantilly anywhere. It needs to be strategically placed in the lowest area of your basement. A plumber can find that spot and install the pump.

It can be challenging to find the lowest spot in your basement, especially if it seems like the entire basement is level. A plumber has the tools and expertise to find that spot and mark it for installation.

You don’t want to install the pump in the incorrect location, only to have to dismantle it and install it again elsewhere. You could destroy your basement in the process. You may even damage the sump pump.

A plumber will save you time and spare you from a headache.

You Don’t Know How to Use the Equipment Needed to Install a Sump Pump.

Installing a sump pump isn’t easy. It requires specific tools to be attached correctly. One of those tools is usually a jackhammer. The pump needs to cut through the cement of your basement to be installed. If you’ve never used a jackhammer before, then it isn’t the time to learn. Jackhammers can lead to serious injuries if used without experience.

Plumbers have that experience. They also have the skills to handle other pieces of equipment necessary for the job.

Attempting to install the sump pump with tools you’ve never handled before can result in an injury for yourself. It may also damage the pump.

A plumber will ensure the installation process is handled smoothly. Through their installation process, the pump will be installed correctly and work efficiently.

A Plumber Saves You Money.

Why You Need A Plumber To Install A Sump Pump 2
This is the image description

You’ll likely end up spending a lot more when you attempt to DIY a sump pump installation rather than just hiring a plumber. Don’t waste your money by accidentally damaging the pump in the process, either. Leave the installation to professional hands.

Professional Sump Pump Installation Today

If your home frequently floods, then it may need a sump pump. Our experts can help you choose the right pump and install it for you. Give our team a call today to order your sump pump installation.

Water Pipe Repair Chantilly

Quick Tips On How To Repair A Water Pipe

There’s wisdom in repairing water pipes when you have the tools and expertise to do so. Plumbers typically charge a flat rate for a service call as well as a per-hour fee, so you’re sure to save a few bucks by doing the job yourself. For water pipe repair Chantilly homeowners and property owners often do minor repair work themselves.

Of course, you need to make sure that you know the basics and don’t damage the pipes in any way. The good news is that a simple water pipe repair is not a complex chore. There are three strategies for getting the task done, and none calls for high-level plumbing knowledge. The common DIY approaches are:

  • Tape (with complete repair kit)
  • Epoxy
  • Clamp/Patch

Here’s what you need to know about each of the methods:


Quick Tips On How To Repair A Water Pipe 3

Tape kits are available in most retail and specialty stores at reasonable prices. The advantage of using a tape kit is that you don’t have to hunt around for any extra items. Everything for a common water pipe repair job is included.

The first task is turning off the water supply, standard practice for virtually every DIY plumbing repair. Next, follow the information on the kit for activating the adhesive portion of the tape. Then, carefully wrap the fiberglass tape around the portion of the pipe where the leak is located.

One of the benefits of kits is that the tape is so flexible you can even apply it to bulky fittings, and it will still adhere to the surface of the pipe. Plus, some kits are priced a bit higher and include special tape that is self-adhering.


Epoxy - Plumbing Tool

When using epoxy to repair a leaky water pipe, it’s essential to shut off the water source first and then drain the problem pipe of residual water. This is necessary so that the epoxy can do its job. It won’t adhere if the area is wet or dirty.

Always follow directions on the product container. Epoxy is a pretty simple substance to work with. Measure enough for the pipe leak or break. Then, knead the putty for a few minutes until it feels ready to apply. Please leave it in place according to the written directions. After that, test the seal by turning the water on and observing the result.


Clamp and Patch Kit - Plumbing Tool

A clamp-and-patch kit can work well for larger jobs where the pipe is split open or completely ruptured. Turn off the water source. Use a metal file to smooth the pipe if there are rough spots. Carefully place the patch and clamps in place. Turn the water back on to test the integrity of the seal.

Getting the Help You Need

If you can’t do the job yourself, either because it’s too complex or you don’t have the time, contact a licensed plumber as soon as possible. Leaky water pipes can do a lot of damage to your home, so it’s imperative to take care of the situation as quickly as possible.

Gas Line Repair Services Chantilly

How Do You Repair A Leaking Gas Line

If you smell rotten eggs in the most unlikely places in your home, then you may have leaking gas lines. This is one of the ways professional plumbers identify a gas leak. You may notice this when you call for gas line repair Chantilly services.


Detecting a Leaking Gas Line

A gas leak is no laughing matter at home. It can become a threat to your family’s health and safety if left unattended. It would be best if you kept an eye on the symptoms of gas leaks in your house. You may find it helpful to take note of the following signs of a gas leak.

  • headache
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • eye and throat irritation
  • breathing problems
  • fatigue
  • pale skin or blisters

The most notable sign of a leaking gas line is when your entire family experiences difficulty in breathing. Professional plumbers use Mercaptan to detect a gas leak. You can hardly smell leaking gas at all. If you notice your family getting these symptoms, you might need to get a technician to check your leaking gas lines.


Safety Measures for a Leaking Gas Line

Broken Gas Line

When it comes to repairing a leaking gas line, health and safety experts do not recommend doing it yourself. Healthline published an article on their website about the cause of a leaking gas line. They provided a list of do’s and don’ts when you suspect a leaking gas line in your home. They do not even suggest that you try to find and repair the leak.

  • Do not turn lights on and off.
  • Do not use household appliances that may cause ignition.
  • Do not keep your doors closed.
  • Do not make phone calls from your house.
  • Let an inspector locate and fix the leak.
  • Evacuate the building or get out of the house.

Medical professionals prescribe these health and safety measures to protect the lives of everyone living in your home. It can be pretty dangerous to try and repair a leaking gas line on your own. It may grow to become a disaster if not appropriately addressed. You need the help of a professional to fix those damaged pipes.


Seven Steps to Fix Your Broken Gas Line

Leaking Gas Line

While it is best to let professionals do the work, it would still be helpful to know how to do your gas line repair. You need to take immediate steps to prevent further damage when you suspect a gas leak in your home. If you can locate the source of the leak, then you can begin treating those damaged pipes as you wait for your plumber to arrive.


Consider the following steps for your gas line repair. Make sure to observe the safety measures when you do these steps to keep yourself safe and protected.


Step 1 – Switch Off the Gas

First things first. Working on a broken pipe with your gas source turned on is quite dangerous. A tiny spark can easily catch fire. Inhaling the fumes is also a threat to your and your family’s health. Make sure to turn off your gas supply before you begin your gas line repair.


Step 2 – Find the Leak

Gas Line Issues Plumber

This step is best performed by a professional, but if you can do it yourself, make sure to keep yourself protected. Wear a mask and gloves as you remove the insulated covering of the leaking pipe. If you cannot locate the leak’s source, it is better to call your utility company for assistance.


Step 3 – Get Rid of Extra Gas

A leak will usually occur if there is too much pressure on the pipe. You may need to replace it with a stronger pipe that can hold higher pressure. Disconnect the leaking gas line from the regulator to stop the leak. You will need some plumbing tools and skills to do this step.


Step 4 – Clean It Up

Here comes the dirty work. Over time, your gas line goes through wear and tear. Rust and other impurities may build up, causing the gas to leak. Keeping your gas line clean and free from impurities can prevent spreading gas. Scrub the pipe with sandpaper to even out the surface. Then use acetone to wash off those impurities.


Step 5 – Seal the Leaks

You can use epoxy to seal the leaks on the gas pipe. Make sure not to fit the pipes too tight when you reinstall them. Remember that too much pressure can cause a leak.


Step 6 – Test the Lines

Now that you have completed all those steps, it is time to test those gas lines. This is an important step in the gas line repair process. Make sure to test the gas lines before putting back the protective covering so that you can easily seal those leaks.


Step 7 – Replace the Covers

When you are sure that you have sealed all the leaks, it is time to put back the covers to protect your gas lines. Having done well with all these gas line repair steps, you should now be confident that your gas system is safe. If you still experience symptoms of gas leaks, it is best to get professional help.

In residential areas like Chantilly, many homes use natural gas to power their water heaters and home appliances. These households are pretty vulnerable to leaking gas. While some say natural gas leaks are rare, gas line repair services are widely offered. If you suspect a gas leak in your home, you can call these professional plumbers for help.

Health and safety experts recommend regular inspection of your gas lines to prevent leaks. Old pipelines and appliances can cause leaking gas. If you don’t attend to a leaking gas line, it can become life-threatening to everyone living in your home.

Awareness of leaking gas hazards is essential to keep your family healthy, happy, and safe in your home. Remember the safety measures when you suspect a gas leak at home. You can attempt to fix the leaking pipe, but it is better to get professional help.

Garbage Disposal Installation Chantilly

Do I Need A Plumber To Install A Garbage Disposal?

Have your friends ever complained that your kitchen smells? Such a situation is absolutely embarrassing. If your sewage isn’t defective and you don’t have a garbage disposal, the main culprit is the garbage bin. If you’re lazy to place your garbage outside after washing the utensils, waste materials such as leftover foods, peels, rotten veggies, and others can smell sour and rancid. The resulting odorous smell will linger forever if you don’t find a solution. Speaking of a solution, why not try having a garbage disposal system installed?


I Know What A Garbage Disposal Is. The Question Is, Can I Install It Myself?

Installing garbage is very easy if you’re an experienced DIYer. Put your attention on the term “experienced.” By saying experienced, we mean that you don’t need our help if you already know how to align the garbage disposal on the sink tubes, install it in a wobble-free way, and have channel-type tools pliers, hammer, screwdriver, and wrenches.

In contrast, if you’re in the dark about how to do it, professional plumbers like us can significantly help. Not only do we help you install the garbage disposal safely, but we also help find the proper garbage disposal system for the sink if you allow us. Understand that choosing between the numerous garbage disposal systems largely depends on the design of your sink tubes and your washing habits.

Do I Really Need A Garbage Disposal?

Garbage Disposal System

Garbage disposal system installation falls on the grayline between expensive or cheap. That’s why we’re with you if you’re hesitant to have it. The common question is whether or not you really need a garbage disposal. To answer straightforwardly, aside from making your house odor-free, a garbage disposal system is a cleaner way of disposing of wastes than putting them in a separate bag and throwing them outside.

To continue, you might not need garbage disposal if you’re a clean freak – meaning that you’re one of those homeowners who diligently throw solid waste on the kitchen garbage bin to the dump. Personal preference is the basis of whether to have it installed or not. With that being said, we can’t really force you to do it if you’re fine with your kitchen smelling bad.

What Are The Advantages of Having The Garbage Disposal Installed By Plumbers?

Installing a Garbage Disposal

You have to invest money if you employ plumbers to do the garbage installation for you. However, this is fine because the cost outweighs the benefits. This section provides you the concise and comprehensive reasons as to why it’s better to hire plumbers.


Avoid Damage To The Sink Tubes

Installing a garbage disposal system requires the tweaking of the sink tubes. To integrate the garbage disposal to the sink, the sink tubes might have to be modified via cutting. Doing this is very risky if you know nothing about plumbing. The potential damage that might occur is leaking, bent sink tubes, or clogging.

But with plumbers, the problems that we mentioned can’t occur. Plumbers carefully integrate the garbage disposal to the sink meticulously via specialized tools and adhesives. Others even use replacement sink tubes that are specifically made for garbage disposal systems.


Avoid Damage To The Garbage Disposal System

Installation might damage the garbage disposal system if not done by experts. Such damage might be due to the incorrect attachment of the integral components to the kitchen sink tubes. Usually, parts that suffer from malfunction due to haphazard installation are:

  • The dishwasher connector
  • The knockout
  • The upper hopper chamber
  • The waste line connector

Plumbers help you avoid damage during installation. It’s because they know how to install a garbage disposal properly on the kitchen sink regardless of its design and type. Moreover, they also look out for possible causes of damage, such as existing factory defects on the garbage disposal system or the components that comprise the kitchen sink.


Find the Right Garbage Disposal System For You

Garbage disposal systems vary in features and specs. For example, some models don’t mind taking large bones, while there are models that broke quickly if you put even the tiniest pieces. Specifically, garbage disposal systems vary in motor power, motor durability, motor electrical consumption, impeller and flywheel design, and dishwasher and waste line connector design.

If you seek their help and instruct them to do it, plumbers will be on the move to find the proper garbage disposal system for you. A lot of plumbing companies can directly get the garbage disposal system that you need from the manufacturer. This cut costs because it diminishes the additional cost for purchase that third-party sellers put.

Aside from cutting costs, having the plumbers get the garbage disposal system that you need is advantageous because what they provide comes from leading brands. Furthermore, you can also request a refund if the garbage disposal system they provide fails to work well.


Frequently Asked Questions About Garbage Disposal Installation

Garbage Disposal Repair & Replacement Services


How many plumbers will install the garbage disposal system?

Most plumbing companies send one plumber to do the installation. However, in some cases, if the service includes sink tube replacement, cleaning, or declogging, plumbing companies send two plumbers to your home.


Is garbage disposal system installation available in winter?

Plumbing companies offer garbage disposal installation in winter. Garbage disposal installation service is an in-house job. Therefore, there’s no reason for plumbers to refuse you. However, you have to know that pricing in winter is more expensive than the pricing in summer.

How long does garbage disposal system installation take?

It usually takes 2-4 hours for plumbers to install a garbage disposal. Factors that affect the installation period are the current condition of the sink, the design of the sink tubes, and the design of the garbage disposal system itself.

Can one garbage disposal system take care of two sinks at once?

Yes and no. The garbage disposal system can take care of dual-type sinks if the sink tubes connect at a single point (meaning that they connect to the same sewage pipe). If the opposite is true, then you might have to get at two garbage disposal systems installed.

Where to get the best garbage disposal installation service?

Doherty Plumbing provides the best garbage disposal installation Chantilly. We even provide one of the best garbage disposal repair and replacement services in the area. Please send an email now or call us so that we can show you a trusty installation service.

Faucet Repair Chantilly

Fixing A Broken Faucet: A Comprehensive Discussion

The anxiety that a leaking faucet makes you suffer is as problematic as the anxiety that a cheating partner brings. That constant ticking sound makes it hard to sleep at night. Moreover, the spillage is very messy. Never settle for less. This applies to your house’s faucet. As soon as it leaks, consider replacing or repairing it right away.


So Why Does Damage Happen To A Faucet?

A faucet gets damaged due to a lot of factors. The first is time. Of course, if the faucet has been around for many years (say 10-20 at most), it will get busted sooner or later. Regardless of the type of faucet, its brand, and the material that the manufacturer used for making it, a faucet will only last for 15-20 years on average.

The second factor is water pressure. To stop the water from flowing, the faucet only holds or keeps the water from flowing out. If you can’t picture it, think of a faucet as a dam and the water from the pipe as a river. If the water pressure is too strong for the faucet, it gets damaged because the water pressure loosens the fittings. Normally damage occurs on the knob, o-rings, seat and springs, ball valve, etc.

The third factor is the elements, especially heat and rust. Heat and rust can make the faucet develop cracks on its outer and inner components. Water then goes through these cracks. The cause of leaking is minor at first. However, if left alone, it will eventually wreck the whole faucet system.


What Happens If You Don’t Fix A Leaking Faucet?

Increased Water Bills

Since a leaky faucet doesn’t effectively shut off the water flow on your sink, it’s only proper to associate increased water bills with it. The simplest slightest leak can generate an additional $20 on your bills. Twenty dollars isn’t that pricey but accumulate that per day the faucet keeps leaking, and you’ll shake your head in disbelief. Also, aside from money, you are wasting water, which is an insult to 790 million people who don’t have access to an efficient water supply. 

Damaged Sink and Countertop

Kitchen Sink Leaky Faucet

A leaky faucet constantly wets the sink and, sometimes, the countertop. Such constant wetting causes these to develop rust or moss. Such rust or moss damages the sink or countertop by making them more susceptible to denting and cracking. Sometimes, they also cause the sink and countertop to smell.


What Is The Fastest Way To Fix A Leaky Faucet?

The fastest way to fix a leaky faucet is to get it replaced. You can do the replacement. However, please call the plumbers if you’re not very familiar. Sometimes, DIY leaky faucet replacement can cause damage on the hose that attaches to the faucet once it’s being installed. Other reasons why you should call for replacement are:

  • the design and construction of the shape make it hard to install
  • avoid a lacking flow of water after installation
  • avoid breaking the faucet during installment
  • avoid the task of finding the right faucet yourself (plumbers already have the best ones in-store)

Still, if you don’t want a faucet replacement service because you don’t want to do the installation process again, go ahead to fix the faucet.


How To Fix A Leaky Faucet?

First of all, if a faucet is leaking, don’t immediately assume that it’s busted. The first thing you have to think about is minor complications that might make the faucet look like it’s leaking. For example, it might be that the water line’s pressure is too intense, someone just forgot to close the faucet properly, there’s leaking on the roof that’s directly above the faucet, etc.

If none of the above causes leaking, the culprit is the faucet, and then these are the steps you should do to fix it:


Turn The Main Water Line Off

Turn the main water line off before starting. While fixing, what you don’t want to happen is to have a sudden stream of water flowing out after removing the faucet, which comes from the pipe that connects to it. If you don’t do this, not only will reinstalling the faucet be challenging, but you and the whole place will get wet.


Remove The Faucet

Faucet Removal

The second step is to remove the faucet. Doing this is case-specific based on the brand and type of faucet you are about to fix. Still, the most common approach is to loosen the screws or the knot that locks and attaches the faucet to the pipe under it.


Dismantle the Faucet and Clean Everything 

Dismantle the faucet after detaching it from the pipe. Again, how to dismantle is case-specific and depends on the brand or type of your faucet. Commonly, the first thing to do is to remove the handle or knob from the faucet since it acts as the lock that binds all other components. After removing it, taking the faucet apart will be easy.

After taking the whole faucet apart, clean everything such as valves, inner hoses, ball valve, cam, packing, etc. Why clean anyway? You have to assume that dirt is the reason why the faucet is malfunctioning. After cleaning, assemble the faucet and reattach it to the pipe to see if there’s no leaking anymore.


Replace the Parts

Faucet Parts Replacement

If the leaking persists even after you have cleaned the faucet’s components, dismantle it again and check for defects on the components. The part of the faucet that commonly suffers from damage is the gasket. When damaged, the gasket shrinks or becomes thin. You can buy a gasket online or in break-and-mortar stores. Bring a sample for size reference.



To repair a faucet by yourself is easy. However, it’s best if you call our faucet repair Chantilly service. We have all the expertise and the essential parts for making your faucet work again. Furthermore, we do everything safely and quietly so that we won’t bother your living space while we’re working. Ring our customer hotline now because we’re waiting.

When To Call A Local Plumber To Fix Plumbing Issues 4

When To Call A Local Plumber To Fix Plumbing Issues

Plumbers are always ready to help 24/7. Even so, plumbers won’t come unless you request them. Notwithstanding if it’s minor or major, plumbers will always be happy to take on any repair project provided that it falls within their expertise and their available resources.

Nonetheless, calling plumbers when the plumbing problem can be fixed by yourself is a waste of money. As local plumber Chantilly, we want future clients to contact us when they need help. With that, we’ve made this article that provides a round-up of plumbing issues that require a local plumber’s attention.


Leaking That Leads To Flooding

You can fix those leaks by yourself if they only result in minor wetting such as trickles or droplets of water going to the house’s floor or ceiling. However, if the leaking makes your home look like it’s soaked in the Amazon, consider calling a plumber right away.

Flooding that leaking causes is very dangerous. It risks your house to fire and electrocution. This is because the electrical wirings that are near to the floor might have been wet. The existing water in the specific location of your house might then conduct electricity. If you attempt to fix the plumbing in this area without knowledge about safety procedures, you’ll likely be electrocuted.


You Don’t Have The Tools

Plumbing Tools

It’s only proper to call the plumbers if you have the right tools. This agrees with the analogy of not going to the mountain if you’re not wearing hiking equipment or not playing golf if you don’t have golf clubs. You might think that winging it might work on minor plumbing issues. However, this isn’t the case. Tools are always needed when it comes to plumbing. Tools ensure they prevent further damage while the repair is ongoing.


The Gas Pipes For The Heater Are Defective

You can fix leaky water pipes if you know how to do it. But for heater gas pipes, leave the rest to the plumbers. Gas pipes are always tricky to fix. Finding where their issue is coming from requires specialized equipment that analyzes the surrounding air to determine how severe the leaking is and where it’s coming from.

Moreover, gas pipes can lead to fires if you make a mistake. This happens when you fail to isolate the leaking gas while repairing the heater gas pipes yourself. As for plumbers like us, we have a few tricks in our sleeve, preventing this dangerous situation from happening.


The Water Heater Isn’t Working

Plumbing Water Heater Installation

Call the plumbers if the water heater isn’t working after you’ve done the basic troubleshooting tips. Aside from diagnosing and fixing pipes, plumbers also know about diagnosing and repairing water heaters. They can even make a few recommendations if your water heater is in a state of disrepair. Possible accidents that might happen if you decide to do otherwise are fire breakouts (when repairing gas heaters) and electrocution (when repairing electric heaters).

By the way, plumbers also do water heater installation. This is a task that you can do yourself. However, for the best installation job that doesn’t expose your house to hazards, call plumbers because they evaluate the house to determine the most desirable locations where the water heater should be installed.


The Main Pipes Outside of The House Are Broken

Major pipes are impossible to fix by yourself. Fixing them needs thorough professional evaluation and the use of special plumbing techniques and equipment. The most common fix for broken major pipes is pipe relining. This is something that not all can do since it requires using a large pipe relining device. Note that you can buy this pipelining device online or in brick-and-mortar stores. However, its cost is higher than the repair service that plumbers offer.

If pipe relining won’t work, then pipe replacement is another option. Still, this is something that you can’t do by yourself. Processes involved in pipe replacement are excavation, pipe placement using heavy machinery, and pipe installation. Doing this requires a team of construction workers and plumbers.


A Foul Odor Is Lingering In Your House

Sewer Lines Plumbing

Having a foul odor in your house means that the sewer pipes might be experiencing problems. Fixing sewer pipes is a dirty job. Therefore, rather than being parsimonious, it’s better to call the plumbers who can fix those sewer pipes without making a mess of the worksite.

In connection, aside from odor, consider letting plumbers fix those pipes if the toilets of your house won’t drain. This is a messy task that’s better done by professionals, even though expensive. We’ve seen homeowners who did otherwise and found themselves in a very unpleasant situation. Note that plumbers might decide to come if the toilet’s mess became unmanageable due to a failed DIY repair.


The Plumbing Issues Happened During Winter

You might think that it’s justifiable not to call plumbers if the plumbing issues happened in winter since they can’t get to your house quickly. However, winter is when everyone should call for a plumber’s help. Many of the issues that we discussed here become more severe in wintertime.

For example, winter makes the sewer pipes more problematic because it makes the smell more dominant. This happens because the house’s windows can’t be opened to at least let some of the odor escape outside. Another disturbing thing is when the toilet fails to drain, and there are no other toilets at home.

The same also applies to flooding. The water that floods the house in winter due to piping issues can reduce the house’s heat levels. This could also potentially lead to other types of damage that promote cold drafts entrance from the outside.



Local plumbers are always ready to help. We’re only one call away for clients who need immediate plumbing service. Our time of arrival depends on how far your home is from us. Nevertheless, rest assured that we will try to arrive ASAP so that you won’t experience unnecessary delays.

Plumbing Contractor in Chantilly

How Plumbing Contractors Fix A Burst Pipe In Your House

If you’re a homeowner, you probably know a thing or two about plumbing problems. Most property owners encounter common challenges like clogged drains, toilets that constantly run, odd noise coming from basement pipe systems, and much more.

It’s possible to fix many minor plumbing problems yourself, including things like slow-draining bathtubs and sinks, but a burst pipe needs professional attention from a licensed plumber.


Burst Pipes are Serious Problems

Bursting Pipe Repair


But what about a more serious event like a burst pipe? Unlike most of the more common plumbing problems, burst pipes can quickly turn into major expenses, create a huge mess, and end up making you wish you had attended to the situation when you first noticed it.

How do professional plumbers fix burst pipes in residential homes? Here’s a quick look at what a licensed contractor might do when they arrive on the scene in response to a “burst pipe” call from a homeowner:


  • Cut the Electricity: One of the first things a plumber does is turn off the electricity in the area where the burst pipe is likely located. This is a general safety measure and is why many plumbers use lighted battery-powered headgear.
  • Locate the Leak: Experienced contractors know where to look for typical bursts. This essential second step is where the real “plumbing” work begins because the contractor often has to get down into the home’s flooring or walls to identify the precise location of the leak.
  • Shut Off the Water: Once the burst location is found, the plumber knows whether the entire home’s water supply or just a portion of it needs to be cut off. Regardless, the third major step of fixing a burst pipe involves shutting off the water supply to the damaged area.
  • Do Necessary Repair Work: The fourth and final step pertains to the burst pipes themselves. An experienced contractor knows immediately whether the job will be a minor “fix it” situation or calls for replacing entire sections of pipe. Even the most talented DIY enthusiast should not attempt to replace broken pipes. This is what licensed plumbers do every day and why you should call them. 

Like most plumbing problems, you can save a lot by taking care of a burst pipe as soon as possible. Typical expenses to repair a burst pipe can be surprisingly low if you catch the situation early. Waiting can be a costly move, especially if your home is older and is already in need of other plumbing work.


How Do You Know When a Pipe Has Burst?

Burst Water Pipe Problems

It’s easy enough to understand that burst pipes are a top priority. But, how can non-professionals know whether their home is suffering from such a dilemma? Plumbers say that there are several common signs of a burst pipe in your home. Be aware that not all of them are obvious, so it’s essential to pay attention to any plumbing-related issues that come up.

When a pipe bursts, you’ll usually notice one or more of the following “symptoms.”

  • Noises: Do you ever hear banging, clanking, or squealing noises coming from your home’s pipes? Anything but silence can mean there’s a problem afoot, and you should make a note of where the sounds are coming from and how often you hear them. Have a plumber check them out during an inspection.
  • Smell: If your household water smells strange, “rotten,” or downright awful, the likely culprit is plumbing-related.
  • Discoloration:  In addition to odors, make a note of what your water looks like. Is it discolored in any way? If so, you’ve probably got a plumbing problem on your hands. Be careful never to drink, cook with, or bathe in discolored or smelly water.
  • Low Pressure: A more subtle but still grave issue is low water pressure. A broken pipe often leads to a general reduction of household pressure.
  • Stains: Do you have water stains on your walls, ceilings, or floors? Unless it’s the result of a spill or a roof leak you already know about, there’s a high probability that the staining is plumbing-related. Call a professional asap.


Get Professional Help

Chantilly Burst Pipe Plumber

It’s important to contact a plumbing contractor Chantilly residents know and trust when your home suffers a burst pipe. Don’t wait. Even a short delay can turn a small, inexpensive repair job into a major expense and a huge headache.

Be attentive to the general health of your home’s plumbing system. If you notice any of the telltale signs noted above, call a plumber for a thorough inspection. When it comes to plumbing, being proactive is the key to keeping your home’s pipes in tip-top shape.

Drain Cleaning Chantilly

What Is The Best Way To Clean Your Drains

Are your drains making your life unbearable? It’s amazing how something as simple as a clogged drain can turn a sunny day into a frustrating one. When it comes to drain cleaning Chantilly residents can opt for the DIY approach or call a plumber. 

When one of your drains stops working, it’s a helpless feeling that might end up with a call to the plumber. The good news is this: even if you can’t unclog that stuck drain all by yourself, hiring a professional is often the best way to prevent a recurrence and prevent a small problem from becoming a much more costly one. 

Of course, it’s always a good idea to have a go-to list of easy ways to resolve plumbing problems on your own. That’s just common sense. But if the DIY techniques don’t work, never hesitate to bring in the pros and get the job done right. 


Here are some practical ways to unclog a stuck drain:


DIY Drain Cleaning Methods

Remember to opt for the simplest, least forceful technique first, so you don’t put undue stress on the entire plumbing system’s pipes. Wear safety goggles to avoid getting chemicals in your eyes, and use waterproof work gloves to protect your hands.

  • BS&V (baking-soda and vinegar): Pour a few cups of boiling water into the clogged drain. Then, pour one cup of baking soda directly into the drain. Next, prepare a mixture of one cup white vinegar and the same amount of water in a large plastic container. Heat the mixture in your microwave until it’s near the boiling point. Pour the super-hot stuff down the drain and let it sit for two hours. Test to see if the clog is gone by running hot water into the drain.
  • Hanger: Take a wire clothing hanger and uncoil it completely. Use pliers to make a half-inch fish-hook on one end. Place the hooked back into the drain and wiggle it every which way, being careful not to force it in. Pull it up occasionally and throw debris into the trash. Repeat until the clog is gone or quickly rinses away with hot water.
  • Plunger: Plungers are good if you know how to use them. Try putting some Vaseline on the rim to help create a suction lock. And use smaller plungers for small drains like sinks and tubs. Give five or six good plunges and wait one minute. Repeat this process five times, and then pour a cup of hot water into the drain to see if it’s clear.Plunger Drain Cleaning
  • Fizzy Cola Soft Drink: The Pepsi/Coke drain cleaning hack has been around for more than a century. It works in many cases but can also hurt your pipes. So, please don’t use it as the first line of attack. Pour one cup of cola into the clogged drain and let it sit for a full hour. Pour warm water in and see if the clog is gone.
  • Wet-Dry Vac: This method is a bit tricky but works well if you can create a suction opening around the drain. You can remove a plunger end, place it over the drain, and apply the vac to the hole. However you do it, let the vac run for a few minutes before testing your success with a cup of hot water in the drain.
  • Dishwashing Liquid: This stuff works better than you might suspect, especially on sinks, showers, tubs, and toilets. Pour a cup of boiling water first, followed by eight ounces of dishwashing liquid. Plunge lightly to mix up the contents. Wait for a half-hour and test the drain.Dishwashing Liquid Drain Cleaning
  • Plumbing Snake: You can buy snakes at local home stores, but they’re best avoided for DIY. We list them here as a caution, something not to use. Why? They can seriously damage your pipes, especially if you live in an older home.
  • Washing Soda: Sodium carbonate is stronger than baking soda by a country mile. Run hot water into the drain, followed by a cup of washing soda. Let it stand for about 10 minutes, and then dump a few cups of boiling water down the drain.
  • P-Trap Removal: Of DIY methods, this is usually the last resort, and for a good reason. It’s messy, and you need pliers and a bucket, which means crawling around on the floor. Use the pliers to loosen the lock rings on the small, curved pipe under your sink. Clean it out, and put it back on. Make sure to have a bucket underneath the line while working.P-Trap Removal Drain Cleaning


When You Need More Than a Plunger

If quickie DIY strategies don’t work as you wish, call (703) 570-6992 and let one of our team members know the problem. We dispatch help right away in emergencies, or you can book an appointment for a non-emergency call. Plumbing problems have a way of getting worse before they get better, so take action to avoid a significant mess.